Sunday 6 October 2019

“Change your thoughts and you change your world” Norman Vincent Peale

Have you ever come across the concept that your thoughts create your life?

It’s a long held belief of many that our thoughts determine how we feel, what words we say, how we behave and also what we have or don’t have in our lives. For example take the person who thinks they’re a failure, as a result of thinking of themselves in this way they feel like they won’t succeed. By feeling this way it impacts their behaviour as they don’t put in the effort they would otherwise put in because they believe there’s no point. Their negative attitude and lack of effort leads to them not performing as well as they could which in turn reinforces their thinking that they’re a failure and so the self-perpetuating cycle is created. Can you relate to this in some way?

However, just by changing the way you think you can change any aspect of your life which
is not making you happy. In the example above, if the person who feels like a failure changed their thoughts so that they thought of themselves as successful at everything they do and learn at every opportunity, they create a positive outlook on life. This positive attitude means that they try their best at everything in order to get the best possible results which gives them a sense of achievement, it makes them feel good about themselves and in turn this leads to them thinking that they thrive in life. A new self-perpetuating cycle is created but this time it’s a positive one. It really is that simple!

Become aware of where your negative thoughts are not serving you and try thinking the opposite, positive thoughts instead. Indulge yourself with this new positive thought and notice how it feels if the positive thought were true.

You always have a choice; you can either think a negative thought or a positive one, either way you’re going to think one so why not choose the positive thought instead?

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