Sunday 27 October 2019

Give yourself the most wonderful gift – the gift of yourself.

A lot of us coast through life constantly aware of our faults, of where we’re not perfect but with little focus on who we are and what we bring to the world. In truth, if I was to ask you to write a list of your good points it is likely that you would have to stop and think about it first but if I asked you to write a list of your bad points the list would just flow.
Loving and accepting ourselves just as we are is often something we don’t consider doing without it being conditional on something else happening such as losing weight, getting the right job, having the perfect partner in our life, winning the lottery and so on. Yet in order for anything to change externally to ourselves, we must first change what’s going on internally.
By changing our internal feelings we can experience more happiness in our lives and will
appreciate all the good things in life that we have already, thereby allowing yet more good to come to us. By changing how we think about ourselves we behave differently and the way we communicate and interact with people changes, the consequence of this is that we create more positive experiences. This in turn leaves us open to more opportunities and we find coincidences appear like little miracles that move us on towards greater happiness.
So next time you look at yourself in the mirror, instead of looking for all the faults in yourself remember the world is all the more blessed with you in it, as everyone has something good to offer this world, no matter who you are or what you have experienced in the past. Recognising the truth of who you are, seeing the goodness within you and realising that just being you is all you ever need to be is the best gift you can give to yourself.
Oh yes, and in case you forgot to remind yourself this morning, your eyes are dazzling, your smile lights up your face, you have a warm heart that is capable of sending rays of love throughout the world and your bottom looks great in whatever you wear!

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