Wednesday 27 November 2013

The Very Beginning

Right now, I know pretty much what I want in my life….I have a list! 
I also know that what I want is a massive dream and I enjoy the way it feels when I think about it. However, it is so far removed from where I am today that I have no idea how I will achieve it. My biggest barrier to achievement is time, and it seems that, from talking to others, I’m not the only one who’s missing that one valuable commodity. Why? Because, like many others, I am a mum who runs our family home – organising, arranging, planning, booking, preparing, keeping on top of household chores and generally catering for everyone’s needs. Add to this the fact that a large chunk of each day, four days a week, are taken up with a job to keep the income stream flowing and what’s left is very little time to get in any way closer to my dream.
Here’s the thing, while I've had a good life and despite the numerous 'you can change your life' themed books and techniques I have explored, I spent most of the first 3 decades not really focussing on whether I was on the right track to get me closer to the kind of life I dreamed about. Looking back I guess I just thought it would happen one day! Well now I'm in my 40’s and I want to find a way of doing something before I wake up at age 80 only to find I no longer have the energy to get what I want.
So I’ve decided, for the next 5 years, I am going to become more focussed on channelling my energies towards my ultimate goal. I have no clearly mapped out steps in place yet but in writing this, I am declaring my commitment to the dream and will therefore be obliged to do something, anything, to start the journey. This story will be my own, real time log of what I’m going to do next. By letting you read about it, I’m hoping that if anyone, regardless of your age, is in a position where you can relate to any part of my unfolding life in any way, then maybe, just maybe, this will get you thinking about what you are doing with your own life, about what you want out of it and about how you’re going to get it. …And if you get what you want before I do, please let me know how you did it!

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