Monday 28 January 2013

The Grey

I recently saw the film ‘The Grey’ where a group of men find themselves lost in the wilderness after their plane crashed. The film effectively portrays the feeling of being isolated with just your own wits to survive, while also displaying the emotions that arise when faced with such an experience.

 It made me think how, being stripped of everything that represents security to us must be a frightening feeling, perhaps it’s a feeling that also resonates with people when they are first faced with a life threatening disease. However, if we can take something from these scenarios without having the misfortune of actually going through them ourselves, the key learning point is that the biggest single thing we have are the people in our lives. It is when these people are brought to the forefront of our minds in a situation described above that literally all else pales into insignificance, and it is in those people we have strongest feeling for where we find our deepest source of comfort.

 So my question to you is this…. If you were lost and alone in the wilderness, miles away from anyone, unsure when you might see anyone again, with nothing but a pen and paper; what would you write and who would you write it to?

 Whatever your message, I have no doubt that somewhere in there would be the 3 simple words ‘I Love You’. Whoever those people are, why not write them the note now?

A gift to say 'I Love You....with all my heart and soul'


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