Wednesday 20 July 2011

Make Everything OK

If only it was this simple…
Are you having a bad day? Are you worried about something?
Then click this link, go to and push the magic button to make everything OK. The funny thing is, I did it and the result was that I put everything into perspective and ended up actually feeling better!
The fact is, most of what we worry about doesn’t actually happen so we waste valuable time focusing on non-existent outcomes. Even if the worst does happen there is always something we can take from it and no matter how bad it may seem, there is always something good for us in a bad situation.
Take a simple example – rain! We readily complain about the rain but imagine a life with no water. At least we are fortunate enough to be able to predict if rain is likely on any given day so we can prepare for it.
Ultimately we can, at times, allow the worst possible outcome to any problem we are facing take over our thoughts and make us pre-occupied, taking us away from the important things that are happening around us. By putting things into perspective we get a better view of what matters most and life can look brighter, even when it’s raining!

I like the simple message this wooden sign carries to go with this post; 'Live well, Laugh often, Love much' If you like it too take a closer look...

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