Tuesday 12 July 2011

Action for Happiness

Action for Happiness is a charity with a simple ambition…it’s aim is to bring together like minded people from all walks of life to create a movement of people committed to building a happier society. Research has shown that despite spending the last 50 years aiming for higher incomes, we are no happier now than we were 50 years ago but have seen a rise in anxiety and worry in younger people. All it asks is that we move from being a culture who's values are based on self obsessed materialism to a more loving, positive and collaborative one.

And it seems to be working.
At the time of writing 14,632 people from 115 countries had joined the movement, not bad considering that, although it was founded in 2010, it only just had its launch week on 11th-17th April this year!
The Action for Happiness website is a minefield of information, resources and advice on how to be happier. It uses the acronym ‘GREAT DREAM’ to give ten keys to happier ways of living. It has practical tips on what you can do on a daily basis to make your life happier including its free Happiness Action Pack and with each tool it provides simple advice on how you can achieve happiness in your daily life.  
The charity founders, Lord Richard Layard, Geoff Muligan and Dr Anthony Seldon are expert leaders in their relative fields and are passionate about making people in our society, and in our world, happier.
If you want to be part of this movement and lead a happier life then start now by joining Action for Happiness, take a simple pledge and be a force for good!

My recommended gift to go with this post is the porcelain heart with Wishing You Happiness written on it. A simple gift with a simple wish! 

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