Friday 29 July 2011


After chatting with friends recently about birthday gifts and what to buy people, it got me thinking about what's really important to give.

Out of all the presents that are given on a birthday, very few are actually needed. The gift of a birthday should be a celebration of another year of life, it could be used as a time to reflect on what you did right over the last year and unite with all the very special people in your life that you spent it with. By focussing more on what you can give over the coming year ahead until your next birthday you could get more out of the anniversary of your 'birth-day' than most gifts could give you.

Don't misunderstand me here, gifts and the act of giving is in no way being underestimated. The joy of an unexpected gift being delivered for no apparent reason can lift the darkest moods as it carries far more meaning. A surprise gift is sent out of genuine thought for the recipient rather than out of duty just because it's their birthday. We should never be afraid of being impulsive and letting someone know we're thinking of them.

My point is that birthdays should be about celebrating you, praising your achievements and looking forward to how you want to live over the coming 12 months. By spending the day focussing your efforts more on yourself and what you can give, you will be more inclined to do good, feel good and expect less. Then giving won't be just because it's someone's birthday, it will be because you care.

As we say at Bags of Goodness, 'give a little means a lot'.

To reflect what has been said in this post I recommend the Pocket Charms gift bag of Rules. It contains 5 rules on how to live a better life. Take a look, I hope you'll like it.

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