Sunday 24 November 2019

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant” – Robert Louis Stevenson

When taking small steps towards your dreams or goals, it’s easy to underestimate the effect these small tasks are having towards making them come true. Yet in taking small steps you are sowing seeds that can blossom at any time given the right circumstances.

You know what your dream or goal looks like, you know what it is you want but like anything you have to ask yourself what are you doing now that will help make that happen in your future?

Let's say, for example that you want a garden full of blooming, colourful flowers. Well it's unlikely that they will just suddenly appear, there are actions that need to be completed beforehand to allow them to grow. This action will have to be taken by you in order to for you to have the garden you wish for and by working backwards from the desired end result to where you are today you can figure out what needs to take place now that will enable that to happen.

Furthermore, as each step you take leads you closer to your dream, things will occur along the way that will be proof that you are on your way to achieving it. With the

example of the dream garden, shoots will begin to appear in the earth, and later buds will appear before blossoming into the glorious garden that's dreamed of. And so it is with any dream or goal, these sorts of small indicators along the way show you that you're on the right path and they shouldn't be ignored. Instead celebrate them as signs of progress and give yourself praise and encouragement to keep going.
Remember there is no one set way to achieve anything, you always have options but as long as you keep going and keep taking action, it almost doesn’t matter what steps you take.  So long as you keep planting the seeds you will keep travelling down the path towards your desired outcome. So keep a look out for signs that appear from steps you have already taken as each and every step, no matter how small, will be setting the wheels in motion to help bring whatever you want closer to fruition.

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