Sunday 17 November 2019

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”– Lao Tzu

So you’re in your car, you’ve entered your destination into your satellite navigation system and it’s told you “All set, lets go”. You’re in the driver’s seat with your seat belt on, you are ready to go. You’ve never been to this destination before but you know its somewhere you really want to be so you’re excited to get there. Meantime, while you’re sat there, your neighbour appears, they wave hello at you, get into their car and drive away. You however are still sitting in your car. Why? Because you haven’t taken the necessary action to get moving to where you want to go, you haven’t turned on your engine, you haven’t put the car in gear and haven’t started to drive.

This is what it’s like when you do all the dreaming, all the thinking, all the visualising but then carry on just as you were, not doing anything differently but expecting things in your life to change. If you want to reach the destination of your dreams, you have to take action. It really doesn’t matter what action you take, you don’t have to know how your dreams are going to come true you just have to do something – anything - that takes you one tiny step closer towards them.

Just as when you follow your sat nav to your desired destination, you don’t have to know
which routes to take to get you there. In fact, if it’s somewhere you haven’t been before you may not realise how close you are to arriving until you actually get there and it’s the same with reaching your dreams. You don’t have to know how near or far away you are, you just have to trust that with every step you take it is getting you closer to what you want.

As long as you know where it is you want to get to, what it is you want in your life, start thinking about what small step you can take today, and every day, that is in the general direction of your desired end result. Every day do something, it only need take a couple of minutes to do but take some sort of action and then know that with every single step, you have started your journey to your dream destination of life.

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