Thursday 25 August 2011

You Can Heal Yourself by Seka Nicolic

You may have never heard of Seka Nicolic but if you're looking for a little healing then this is one place to look!

If you don't believe in ‘hands on’ healing or you don't think that complimentary therapies do any good then I’m hoping that this might the book that helps convince you it works! Seka Nicolic is different. Scientists at the Milan Institute for Bio-Energy have carried out tests on her hands and found that the heat she gave off was due to healing energy and not because of changes in her body or the ambient temperature. As she states in her book, they found she had an unprecedented level of conductivity, which means she can feed very powerful energy into her patients at consistently high levels.

The book, You Can Heal Your Life, is an explanation of Bio-Energy along with her own life story. It contains stories from people she's treated as well as some guidance on how we can heal ourselves.

If you're looking for some healing, either for yourself or for someone you love, this book may help convince you that we each have the capacity to heal ourselves, or at the very least, take more control of the pain we feel. After all, what have you got to lose by trying?

To accompany this book I recommend this English Lavender Cream. Handmade in the UK with pure essential oils, it's an all round moisturising cream that may help heal common skin complaints.


  1. I think thats definatley going on my to buy list!

  2. Thanks for your comment Mrs Bellers, its always great to have feedback!
