Sunday 29 December 2019

"You have to dream before your dreams can come true." -- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Having a dream is like having something in front of you that is taking you by the hand and pulling you into your future. If you don’t have a dream, a desire to be, have or do anything different in your life to what you currently have then you will find yourself in 5 years from now living in exactly the same circumstances you are currently in.
If there is something more you would like, even if there’s just one aspect of your life you would like to be different to what it is, then that change starts in your mind. This is where you need to be clear on what you want for yourself as not being clear is like going into a train station and saying you want to go somewhere but not knowing where.
Having a clear idea of what you want will give you the energy to move towards it and create what you want in your life. Once you get started on your journey of making your dream happen, your dream starts working on you. Once you set the wheels in motion, you can enjoy the ride while being present in your day to day life, safe in the knowledge that with every small step you take, your dream is getting closer.
So think about what it is you want for yourself if there was nothing that could get in the way of it happening, imagine what your life would be like in your wildest dreams. Don’t hold back, lose yourself in your dream life and then write it down. Knowing what you want is the first step towards moving from the life you have now to the kind of life you dream of having.

Sunday 22 December 2019

It’s the seeds you plant now that grow into your future life

What have you got to complain about? Most people can find at least one thing, one part of their life or themselves that they would like to change in some way. Knowing what you don’t like about your life is one thing, doing something about it is something else.

Quite often, we sit in a situation we don’t like claiming to be stuck or trapped with no way out. Well thinking or believing that you’re trapped is half the problem as it stops you from opening yourself up to possible options that are otherwise being ignored. Yet if you just consider where you are this very second, not the entire situation but just in this moment, how bad is the situation right now? Accept that in this moment, this is what it is but then think about what you can do right now to help remove yourself from the situation or start to change it in some way.

If any action is out of your control or involves a particular person behaving in a particular way then this is not something you can influence. However, if you start from the present moment, right here and right now and consider all your possible options, then narrow your options down to ones that you can act on straight away then you have started to crack through the shell you think you are trapped in. By taking one small step right now that can take you towards the change you desire then you are setting in motion the wheels of change.

Try doing this once a day or if not then do it as often as you can and you will build
momentum towards breaking free from the place where you feel stuck, using the power of where you are now to make the change happen. It is only with what you do today that change of any kind will occur in your life.

Sunday 15 December 2019

“Mistakes should be examined, learned from, and discarded; not dwelled upon and stored.” - Tim Fargo

What if I was to tell you haven’t failed – not at anything. You may not have gone about things in the best way possible or there may be a another way for doing something but this does not mean you have failed. Failure is such a strong word and to label yourself in this way creates a dead end to the path you’re on, it gives you nothing but a sense of giving up. Yet there is always another way, there is always hope. The world is filled with infinites possibilities and no matter how badly things may have gone wrong for you in the past, this does not mean you can’t do things differently from now on.

First of all, reflect back over the things that you wish had turned out differently. What was there that was in your control that you could have done differently? Try and see things from another person’s perspective, so that you’re observing what happened from the outside. Once you have found another way of handling the situation or performing the activity, take what you can learn from it and let that experience go. With what you have learned, create a positive affirmation that you can use going forward to remind yourself how you can be and of what you can achieve. State your affirmation in the present tense, make it who you are now.

Every day you get to learn and let go without the need to put yourself down. You would never make any mistakes if you didn’t at least try to do something and the fact that you put any effort in at all is something you should praise yourself for.

So give yourself a break, recognise that there's always more than one way of doing or achieving something and see new ways as opportunities to progress. This self reflection will teach you something about yourself and a renewed outlook will allow you to become even more of your truly wonderful, amazing self!

Sunday 8 December 2019

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison

Ever hear someone say “what’s the point, it’ll never happen, it’s too hard”, or “they’re better than me, I could never be like them” or “I’m not good enough” or simply “I can’t do this”?

The list of reasons why people give up on themselves is endless but the fact is, if you’re keeping your dream alive in your mind and you’re taking action in some small way, then you are always moving towards making your dream becoming your reality. Just because you don't know how near or far away you are from achieving what you want doesn't mean you should stop believing that you will get there.

JK Rowling took five years to complete her first Harry Potter book and it then took another year for a publishing house to consider giving it the green light. During her years of writing she endured hardship and struggles yet she kept going in her own small way. If she had given up after the 12th major publisher had turned her down she would not be experiencing the success she has now.

James Dyson created over 5,000 dual cylinder vacuum prototypes before he made one that worked and went on to experience the success he has now. How many of us would have given up long before the 5,000th prototype?

Thomas Eddison also is known for the quote: “I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” He's another perfect example of how his attitude kept his dream alive and eventually he got there.

The trick is to not put all your eggs in one basket, if one way doesn't work try another, and then another, there's always another way. Giving up is easy, we can all think of a reason why we don’t think it will happen for us but if you just keep believing and keep going, the wheels of life once set in motion will always bring what you want ever closer to you - so long as you don’t give up!

Sunday 1 December 2019

“You are the only person on earth who can use your ability.” Zig Ziglar

No one else exists with your unique set of talents. No one else thinks like you do. No one else does things exactly like you do. No one else has lived the life you have so far. You are one of a kind. Only you will bring your gifts to the world in your own individual way, and the world most certainly needs them!

Your way of doing anything is different to how anyone else would do it and the people you reach are not the same people that another person would reach. This is why it is so essential that you do your part, that you bring your exclusive skillset and personality to everything you do and that you do it now!

Don’t be shy of who you are, start doing what makes you happy if only in a small way. Take one small action which involves using the skills or which involves expressing more of that desire that resides inside you. Start setting your natural born talent alight. You’ll know when you’ve found one of your gifts because of the good feeling you’ll get when you do anything that involves using it. That’s your sign, that’s your clue to becoming more of who you really are and this is where you should continue to focus your efforts from now on.

You can do this, you can and should be sharing your innate expertise and talents with the world because if everyone did this, there would far more people leading happy lives. The contribution you make when doing what you have a flair for is, without exception, significant. Not only does doing what you do best have, as a minimum, a worthwhile effect on you but it also has an impact in the part of the world in which you live. It will leave you feeling good about yourself so go on and make a difference just by being your true, extraordinary, amazing self!